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Daily Sentiment Charts

Put/Call Ratio
Daily Put/Call ratio data based on total CBOE options volume.  See chart. See description.

NASDAQ Daily Sentiment Index
A proprietary indicator developed by Market Harmonics to measure bullish and bearish sentiment trends and potential reversals in the NASDAQ and tech-related trading.  See chart. See description.

Rydex Nova/Ursa Sentiment Indicator (S&P 500 Sentiment)
Our version of the bullish/bearish sentiment trends in S&P 500 trading.  See chart & description.

Option Buyers Sentiment Gauge (OBSG)
A proprietary sentiment indicator for timing and identifying the maturity of sentiment trends and potential reversals. See chart.  See description.

Put/Call Ratio vs.. Volatility 
The PCVI tracks divergences and convergences between Put/Call ratio and volatility data in the VIX and VXN indices.  See chart & description.

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